Mar 12, 2008

Amy Sedaris is a Goddess

I adore Amy Sedaris and her baking bunnies. I'll stick with Adobe Illustrator for all my design needs though... 

From Veer.

Lighting the Time Away

This sexy clock and information display is at Heathrow. The link is from TROIKART.

But pointed out by the good folks a Veer. (Because I can't afford to fly away.)

Mar 5, 2008

1,000 True Fans

This article by Kevin Kelly intrigued me. From boing boing.

Mar 3, 2008

Elsewhere Residency

I want to do a residency at Elsewhere. It's really rather brilliant.

Emily again originally.

Handmade Nation - the Doc

I can't wait to see Handmade Nation when it is released. So super interested. I also bought a raffle ticket to help fund the indie filmmaking. Wish I could have bought more than one.

From Whip Up.

New Zine on the Scene - DIY CITY

This online Zine, DIY CITY MAG, is very NY based. It's chock full of goodness. I wish it was a paper magazine so I could carry it in my bag and take it out and oooh and ahhh, and make people jealous.

From Handmade Nation.